Pilot Butte Demographics

Pilot Butte Elementary serves approximately 550 students in 4th grade through 6th grade.  We have operate on a 4 day work week since 2021-2022.  70% are White students, 23% are Hispanic/Latino with 7% representing other ethnicities. 32% of our students receive free/reduced price meals under the Federal School Lunch program. Pilot Butte operates as a Resource/Special Programs school serving approximately 18% of students with disabilities and 7% of the students are English Language Learners.

The current faculty is made up of 73 faculty members, 22 general education teachers, five Special Education Teachers, and two Special Programs Teachers. The faculty includes a Psychologist, 2 Counselors, Social Worker, Nurse, Speech and Language Specialist, Occupational Therapist, and Physical Therapist, and an Interventionist. The school’s administration is composed of a Principal and Assistant Principal.

Parents and community members have many opportunities to be involved and participate in the decision making process through regularly scheduled Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO). There are additional opportunities for parental involvement through Dads of Great Students (DOGS), parent involvement nights that include Math and Literacy strategies, Movie Nights, Band and Music Concerts, and other programs. Pilot Butte boasts a strong climate and culture as part of our school environment. 

The main structure for governance at Pilot Butte Elementary is through the Building Leadership Team.  Additional regular input is sought from the following committees: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), AMP (Student Intervention), Safety and Crisis, Student Council and Wildcats United Advocacy Group, PTSO, and Sunshine.

Other significant instructional and intervention programs include Afterschool Assistance, Extended School Year for Special Education Students, MTSS Intervention Program (locally designed), Friday School and Summer Programs. Students can earn individual PAW tickets through the use of the PBIS app and classrooms compete for best behavior each month.